Counting 3: 1 - 99 people

In this post, we will look at how to count at'u, people.

We have seen that when we count months miezi and years miaka, the numbers have to agree with the mi- noun class. When we count at'u, the numbers have to agree with the a- noun class.

at'u a-iri 2 people
at'u a-hahu 3 people
at'u a-ne 4 people
at'u a-tsano 5 people
at'u a-handahu 6 people
at'u a-fungahe 7 people
at'u a-nane 8 people
at'u chenda 9 people


at'u aa airi these 2 people

These 3 people, these 4 people, ...


As with months, the numbers from 12 - 19 are kumi na...

at'u kumi na airi                  12 people

Complete the rest:
13 people, 14 people...


Translate to English:

alume ane
ana ahahu
ache airi 
asena atsano
alimu chenda
ndugu ahandahu


When a single person, mut'u, is involved, the number has to agree with the mu- noun class:

mut'u mumwenga  -  1 person

11 is considered to be 10-and-1. So 1 always agrees with mut'u, not at'u:

at'u kumi na mumwenga     11 people

20+ people

20 is two-tens: at'u mirongo miri

21 is two-tens-and-1:
at'u mirongo miri na mumwenga   21 people

(Note that, as with 11, you use mumwenga.)

22 is two-tens-and-2:
at'u mirongo miri na airi

at'u mirongo miri na ahahu        23 people
at'u mirongo miri na ane            24 people
at'u mirongo miri na atsano        25 people
at'u mirongo miri na ahandahu   26 people
at'u mirongo miri na afungahe    27 people
at'u mirongo miri na anane         28 people
at'u mirongo miri na chenda       29 people

30 - 90 work similarly.


Count 31, 41, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91 people.


Count people using numbers generated here.