Counting 2: 20-99 months and years

20 - 99

Counting from 20 to 99, you use mirongo meaning roughly tens. 
Mirongo is the same class as miezi:

20 mirongo mi-ri
30 mirongo mi-hahu
40 mirongo mi-ne
50 mirongo mi-tsano
60 mirongo mi-handahu
70 mirongo mi-fungahe
80 mirongo mi-nane
90 mirongo chenda

(Remember - chenda is just chenda - it does not change!)

Example: Months

miezi mi-rongo mi-ri  20 months
miezi mirongo mihahu na mihahu 33 months
miezi mirongo mine na minane 48 months
miezi mirongo chenda na chenda 99 months

Exercise: counting

Count from 20 years to 90 years: miaka mirongo miri, miaka mirongo mihahu...

Exercise: translation

Translate the numbers generated on this website.