Conjunctions 1: and, or

In this post we look at na meaning and, and hedu meaning or.

na and
na gonya  and then
hedu or
hedudze or not

na, and

na means and. na can also mean with, or having.

It can be used to join sentences:

Ninenda Malindi na unenda Watamu.

And nouns:

Karisa na Unda manenda Malindi    (Karisa and Unda are going to Malindi.)
Mimi na mulume wangu funarya mboga. (Me and my husband are eating vegetables.)
saa kumi na mbiri              (The twelfth hour. Literally, hour 10 and 2)

And verbs:

At'u manarya na mananena   (The people are eating and speaking.)

Translate the following sentences into Giriama:

*Me is translated mimi. We will look at mimi and other pronouns in a future post.

na gonya, and then

Tunenda Watamu na gonya tunenda Mombasa.
We are going to Watamu and then we are going to Mombasa.

Nidzakwenda duk'ani na gonya kenda baharini.
I went to the shops and then I went to the sea.

Translate the following:

hedu, or

hedu means or

Unadza hedu unenda?  Are you coming or going?
Unaricha hedu unatoa?  Are you leaving or staying?


Write another four "or" sentences, using the verbs we've learned so far:


hedudza, or not

hedudze means or not, and is put at the end of the verb phrase, as in English:

Unarya hedudze? Are you eating or not?
Munenda hedudze? Are we going or not?
Ananena hedudze? Is he speaking or not?

Unarya maizu hedudze? Are you eating bananas or not?
Munenda Malindi hedudze? Are we going to Malindi or not?

Unadima kunena Kigiryama hedudze? Can you speak Giriama or not?


Using the rest of the verbs from the previous exercise, write 4 sentences in Giriama which end in "or not?"